
福建泉州久菱卫浴有限公司座落在中国水暖基地-南安,久菱卫浴是一家专业水龙头厂家并拥有对卫浴生产销售经验的企业。经营产品范围厨房、浴室水龙头,淋浴花洒、卫浴配件等卫浴配套系列产品,从产品设计到制造形成专业一体化的企业运作系统。我们通过慨念上的突破与服务上的创新,打造全新卫浴文化,努力成为新世纪空间美学的引领者,倡导自然,时尚潮流,溶入艺术精华合为一体,在市场上独树一帜,将先进的科技与前卫的产品设计理念完美结合,创造出富有天然气息的卫浴精品,为人们营造自然的,健康的卫浴生态空间。福建泉州久菱卫浴有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导与合作。您的每次肯定是我们前进的动力!100%的质量保证,100%的正品保证,让您网购舒心,放心!Fujian quanzhou jiu ling sanitary ware co., LTD is located in China's water heating base,jiu ling wei yu is a professional manufacturer of faucet and own sales experience on sanitary ware production enterprises. Products range of kitchen, bathroom faucets, showers, shower bath facilities, such as sanitary fittings series of products, from product design to manufacturing to form professional integration of enterprises operating system. The breakthrough of we read through deeply touched and service innovation, and create new sanitary ware culture, to become a leader in the space aesthetics in the new century, advocate natural, fashion, into the art essence, unique in the market, will be advanced technology and the perfect combination of fashionable concept in product design to create high-quality goods, the wei yu that full of natural breath for people to create a natural, healthy! [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:中国 福建 泉州 南安市 仑苍镇园美工业区龙尔工业园 浙ICP备17016739号-4
